Wednesday, June 20, 2012

What Is Your Compassionate Paradigm Shift For This Time?

Calling all of you that are wanting to create new compassionate paradigms in your personal and professional life! This will be a call in show inviting you to share your ideas, thoughts, inspirations about what compassionate paradigms you are envisioning and what steps we all could be taking NOW to shift personal lives and/ or the collective toward cocreating more caring, trust, heart and connection in our world. = compassion. I will take your calls and you are welcome to email me if you can not make the show live. We will be seeding the future for ALL as we pause for a moment and hold the frequency of your compassionate paradigm shift in our creative imagination and embody the vision. Join me for this experiential and interactive show to raise the vibration for us all.

Waking Up: A True Story

Jonas Elrod, filmmaker, did not expect to make a documentary about his radical and surprising spiritual awakening. His story of growing up in the south in one reality and waking up one morning in a completely different reality took time to sort through. He went on a journey to find the answers to what happened and filmed his discovery step by step. The documentary Waking Up is a story for this time.

Two Shifting Paradigms with two dynamic telesummits: Successful Parenting and the New Superwoman

My guests, Maribel Jimenez and Beth Bernal-Smith will share their visions, passions and inspiration for creating two dynamic telesummits: The New Superwoman Telesummit is for the woman who embraces life on her own terms, redefines what is important and does what nurtures her. She taps into her femininity , inner passions and designs a life that is fulfilling. Successful Parenting Telesummit gives practical tips and know-how to create happy, fun, stress-free and tuned in parents so children and parents can thrive. You will love hearing about these telesummits and will want to sign up.

The Messages of Interdimensional Love – the Hathors with Tom Kenyon

For the past 20 years Tom Kenyon has brought forward the messages of the Hathors – an interdimensional, intergalactic group of beings who were connected to ancient Egypt through the Temples of the Goddess Hathor, as well as several other prehistory cultures. We will talk about his experience, the Hathors, the significance of their messages and how to apply their approach to assist the shift in our brain and our energy patterns during this time.

The Heart of Healing – Shifting Health Care

My two guest, Robert Browning, HM Director of Project Development for HeartMath and Jean Watson, PhD of the Watson Caring Science Institute, have years of experience, knowledge and ability to lead a lively discussion about what caring for our health is all about and why the ability to care – an attribute of the heart – is so important. This major paradigm conversation is reshaping healthcare among professionals and patients alike. We all have a stake in assisting the medical model to become more ‘heart’ centered – the place true healing begins.

The Evolutionary Shift: No Wiggle Room

Are you experiencing no wiggle room when it comes to getting lined up with your higher purpose? Does the world seem to be conspiring to narrow your escape routes out of cleaning up what is not working and hasn’t worked in your life?I have had fun reminiscing this week about all the shifts in consciousness that have occurred since the early 50s and 60s. If you were around then you know what I am talking about. What the world looked like in the 50s – post WW II – and what it looks like today are radically different…in some ways…and in others the old paradigms are still holding on…and in several areas more pronounced. Which is really what I have been contemplating…the extreme ideological old belief systems vs the new emerging compassionate paradigms of our day. What makes the contrast so startling? And how can you and I work the inner parts that want to hold on to the old and/or let go into the new evolutionary shift?

The Empowering Message of Fear

We will revisit Spirit’s mystery school this week with a show about fear. At the root of all our human nature reactivity is fear – sometimes called future/false events appearing real. Because our Basic Self has no safety reference points to work with fear we either mask it, repress it or deny the presence of fear. Added to our natural defense mechanisms is a mis understanding about the gift of fear and how to work with it to empower our self beyond what we feel is wrought with danger. Join me for this very informative, insightful and surprising hour of unmasking the illusions of fear.

The Awe and Wonder of the Dying Process

My guest , Denys Cope, has worked in the field of dying for thirty years. Her book, Dying A Natural Passage is the quintessential bed side manual that leads you through the practical and mystical stages of the dying process. We will talk about the stages of dying, tips for caregivers, and what Denys has learned from sitting at the bedside of hundreds of people as they make their final physical shift into the great initiation of death.

Stardreaming: Temples of the Cosmos

James Jareb, PhD, experienced a profound spiritual awakening in 1996. Following his guidance from the Shining Ones and various Masters he began creating in paint, print and stone portals, stargates, labyrinths and temples depicting the alchemical transformations in his own life. Stardreaming is his alchemy of the stone built in the beautiful land south of Santa Fe New Mexico. Each Temple of the Cosmos is designed to take the visitor through an inner experience of awakening, surrender, trust, love and transforming body, mind and spirit. His story will amaze you.

Shifts through Transformational Music

Mark Romero is an internationally recognized and sought-after energy healer, guitarist, and teacher who has helped thousands of people worldwide to experience instantaneous healings and shifts in their perceptions. Through his transformational music, Mark channels higher frequencies of energy to assist humanity in eliminating limiting thoughts, beliefs, and perceptions that are holding us back from the lives we truly desire. A few years ago, a former top consultant to NASA discovered frequencies in his music; dreamscape rhythms that constantly shifted the listener’s energy, putting them into a heightened physical state and higher levels of consciousness while balancing the body’s energies. CEOs and top executives swear by his music as a tool to help them effectively deal with stress, remain grounded, and expand the portals to more creativity. Join Mark as he shares his powerful and transformative message that has elicited such profound change in so many.

Shifting in the Matrix

Guest, Melissa Joy Jonsson, teaches along side Dr. Richard Bartlett in his mind-melting seminar series Matrix Energetics. I can say from personal experience, after attending six M.E. workshops, that after you get used to playing in the Matrix reality is just not quite the same anymore…And that’s a good thing. Melissa enthusiastically threw herself into the organization several years ago. Her life, at that time, did not look anything like it does today. Plus she runs the behind-the-scenes business end of the organization that keeps everything moving forward – which now includes teaching M.E. in Germany and more countries to come. Melissa and I will talk about the shifts she has experienced personally since joining the M.E. organization, what may challenge her from time to time and how she sees the work of M.E. shifting the consciousness on the planet. For more information about Matrix Energetics visit

Shift Your Reality to Money – High Energy Money

How good can your relationship with money get? My guest, Cynthia Sue Larsen, author and Life Coach will share her insights into making your relationship to money get better and better. Can you imagine feeling happy, enthusiastic, and grateful about your finances? When your relationship with money is optimally aligned, you are better able to discover new sources of money, keep more money that comes your way, and more easily increase your savings. Cynthia and I also share a love for the magic of shifting realities which I’m sure we will also get into on this fun radio hour.

Self-Compassion: Breaking the Code (Family, Society and Others)

How do we develop our capacity for compassion for our self? How do those old beliefs and worn out conditioned behaviors get transformed into new reference points? If we are wired for holiness and loving our self is part of the whole ness of our holi ness – how does that work exactly? This is PART II of my presentation on Compassion and the Practicality of Choosing the Loving. I also will check in to find out what you learned this week from giving your self a compassion break.

Reimagining Civilization: Breakdown to Breakthrough

Listen as my guest Kenny Ausubel, Founder of the Bioneers, talks about the revolutionary transformation of re-imagining how to live on Earth in ways that last. “As we enter this epoch of radical ecological and social disruption, we can move from breakdown to breakthrough. The revolution has begun. We have to fan the shift to ecoliterate and adjust societies at sufficient speed and scale to dodge irretrievable cataclysm.” Kenny will share his insights and the intent of the Bioneers in these transformational times.

Rebirth and Renewal: Lighting the Inner Fire

Do you experience more hope and upliftment as the spring bulbs push up through the winter snow? Perhaps there is an ancient reason why the first days of May (the half-way point between spring equinox and summer solstice) bring gifts of rebirth and renewal. I will focus on sacred ritual celebrations by our ancestors and how we can fashion a few moments of spring-time refocusing so the inner ‘fire’ of spiritual vision, prosperity and happiness can be manifested. I will also invite you to share your declaration of rebirth for yourself, your family, your community and/or the planet.

Real Happiness, The Power of Meditation

If you are wanting to learn to meditate or wondering about the benefits you won’t want to miss this show. Sharon Salzberg has been a student of meditation since 1971, and leading meditation retreats worldwide since 1974. She teaches both intensive awareness practice (vipassana or insight meditation) and the profound cultivation of lovingkindness and compassion (the Brahma Viharas). Sharon's latest book is the New York Times Best Seller, Real Happiness: The Power of Meditation: A 28-Day Program. In Sharon’s words: : "Each of us has a genuine capacity for love, forgiveness, wisdom and compassion. Meditation awakens these qualities so that we can discover for ourselves the unique happiness that is our birthright." For more information about Sharon, please visit:

Quantum Fractal Mandalas and Morphic Fields

Keith Allan Kay, Transformational Artist, has spent many years researching esoteric writings, ancient religions and spirituality with a special interest in Sacred Geometry, Numerology and Quantum Physics. Combining his passion for spiritual artwork, science and spirituality Keith has developed a unique and artistic form of expression called Energy Mandalas. These Energy Mandalas are created using Quantum Fractal Technology and personal numerology. Our conversation today will focus on Keith’s unique artistic gift and how they impact the morphic fields.

Mystical Spiritual Development of Florence Nightingale and Holistic Nursing

The extraordinary career of Florence Nightingale as a paradigm shifter of her day created the field we know as nursing today. My guest, Barbie Dossey, in studying Ms. Nightingale’s life and teachings, has seen how Florence Nightingale’s mystical spiritual development influenced her work, her views of nursing and helped birth the field of Holistic Nursing in our time. This is an inspiring story and will be an inspiring hour of insight, revelation and forward vision for the future of nursing.

Moving Beyond Old Paradigms – Ego or True Power?

Join Tony Samara as he encourages you to lead your life actively in a noble way in order to realize the evolution of human consciousness. We live at a very crucial moment in humanity's transformation. On this episode, you will learn how to move beyond the old paradigm and discover your power and your freedom from within. It is a wonderful thing when we realize that we have this power, which is not of the ego, but is wisdom. The completely natural state of joy and wisdom experienced as the heart opens to life is the remarkable path that is free for everyone to experience. Become empowered with courage, trust and inner strength to continue on this journey back into wholeness, a path that leads towards real freedom.

Mastering the Shift

Mastering the Self – The Art of Self-Mastery

We’re going back to Spirit’s Mystery School this week for a show about self-mastery. Mastering the Self is about our choices…and knowing we have choices. The six self-mastery tools for cocreators is a process of turning within, listening to the parts of ourself beyond our repetitive mind and reactive nature and choosing compassion – for our self and for each other. The tools are simple to learn, simply to apply and surprisingly profound in revealing new abilities. You carry compassion. Knowing how to access this beyond the anger, grief, upset, fear and disappointment is self-mastery. Self-Mastery also opens up the divine playing field where you become a cocreator. Join me for this informative and experiential show. I will be working with call ins.

Making the Shift in Relationships: How to Bring out the Very Best of What You and Others Have To Offer

April is the beginning of many new cycles and pursuits ....including in our relationships! My guest, Phyllis Firak-Mitz, M.A., Astrologer, will talk about what members of Every Sign can do to make a Positive Shift in their relationships. She'll offer her specific ways each sign can bring out the very best of what they naturally have to offer. Phyllis will also reveal what each sign Needs, Wants and Gives in relationships..and how to Shift into the most Loving Expression of your own and other's Sign. Phyllis will also compare the relationship expression of different signs of the zodiac with a special focus on how signs traditionally considered incompatible can Shift into respect and harmony. Get your pen and paper ready!

Letting Go of Binding Beliefs – A Deeper Understanding of Life and Love

Today’s guest, Agapi Stassinopoulos, invites you on an inspiring journey of inner exploration to reconnect with your true self. Her book, Unbinding the Heart, describes how Agapi came to realize that everyone is born with an open heart, but that we quickly learn to put conditions on our happiness – comparing ourselves to others, casting judgment, doubting ourselves, allowing fear or entitlement to take hold – and slowly our hearts begin to close. We isolate ourselves, feeling alone, and unheard; and in doing so we immobilize our spirit, stifle our authentic expression, and cut off our joy. Agapi, like so many of us, came under the soul‐constricting influences of the larger world. In her struggle to find her place and her voice, she discovered a path that was uniquely hers. Unbinding the Heart shows how she found her way home to herself. Agapi’s story inspires you with the confidence to let go of the beliefs that bind you and come to a deeper understanding of life and love.

Do You Quantum Think?

Imagine if your thoughts were as up to date as your technology... you would be living the life of your dreams in a nano second! Do You QuantumThink? is a breakthrough guide for new thinking that will rock your world. The book that will show you a proven system for higher level of thinking! Call it designer thinking for the 21st century – instant access to leading edge information that brings ease to relationships, quantum leaps in business and tools to shift your life, anytime, anyplace. In Do You QuantumThink? Dianne Collins shares her ingenious discovery that has helped countless business leaders to live life filled with new possibility. Renowned Network TV legal consultant, Roy Black acknowledges that this book,” Opens the door to live in the moment with the power to create the future.”

Compassion and the Practicality of Choosing Loving

Did you know self-compassion is good for your health? Have you ever thought about the practicality of choosing a loving approach? For your blood pressure? Your energy level? Your good night’s sleep? I will visit Spirit’s Mystery School again this week to share the latest newsy information on the benefits of compassion and other choices of self-loving. AND give a process or two in self-compassion so you can begin today to shift those self-condemning voices into a choir of kindness – which will practically shift your life. Compassion is good medicine.

Choosing Grace: Busting the Shame/Blame Game

What does it mean to truly take responsibility for your self, your life and your reality? Do you resist taking responsibility for fear of being blamed or shamed by your self or someone else? What if you could shift out of this learned knee-jerk reaction of finger pointing and judging and experience being happy rather than being right? What if mistakes are not fatal and vulnerability is perfect protection? Spirit’s Mystery School will be in session during this transformational show about how much of what we ‘think’ is true is actually false when it comes to living our Noetic Reality.

Breakthrough: Transforming Fear into Compassion

Have you ever experienced a breakthrough beyond a deeply held prejudice into a life changing compassionate experience? My guest, Rich Forer, had such a transformation when he delved into his long held position in the Israel-Palestinian conflict, reached into the depths of himself with a commitment to truth beyond attachments to beliefs and underwent a spontaneous spiritual awakening that changed his life. We will hear Rich’s story, explore the nature of his heart-opening shift and talk about how he views his Jewish roots and the world today with these new ‘eyes’.

Beyond Duality Opening to the Possibilities 1.11.11

Do you find yourself constantly evaluating life from too much/not enough? Right/wrong judgments? Good/bad perspectives? Separate/connected feelings? This conditioned response to the world is called ‘duality thinking’. What if duality promotes lack, suffering and feeling like a loser? What if you could learn to move out of duality into wholeness and perceive yourself and the world in a new way? My show this week will focus on the what, why (a little) and how-to identify the duality, shift into ‘both’ rather than either/or and experience the YOU beyond the duality. Where do we find that? In the Noetic reality of who you are. This will be call-in show where I work with volunteers as they walk themselves through this life shifting approach to mastering our conditioned mind/emotion responses and open to the unlimited possibilities that are here – right now.

An Evolutionary Astrology Perspective on 2012

Astrologer, psychotherapist, and teacher Jason Holley joins me to discuss the year ahead in 2012 from the perspective of Evolutionary Astrology. Uranus the accelerator and Pluto the transformer begin a three-year series of dynamic aspects this year, continuing the phenomenon of compressed time and creation/destruction that characterized 2011. Neptune enters Pisces, sign of trance or transcendence. And Mars stays in Virgo for over half the year. This is a year for focused internal work, in which the clear invitation is to continue to deconstruct the old unworking structures we have taken on, and to boldly express and act upon our most basic natural instincts, desires, and creativity.

An Emerging Compassionate Paradigm: Forgiveness

There is nothing new about the word forgiveness but the practical application of teaching forgiveness in contentious situations all around the world may surprise you. I will focus on the spiritual practice of self-forgiveness: What does is mean to forgive yourself? Why is this important and what does it have to do with your happiness? What does forgiving me by me have to do with my relationship and perception of you? I will also highlight several projects, research and books about what happens in our bodies, our hearts and our lives when we move into forgiveness for others. This is a new emerging paradigm for we are taking a mostly religious concept out of the confines of limited application and dogmatic belief into the expansive arena of what forgiveness really is all about.

2012: Creating Your Own Shift

My guest today, Cynthia Sue Larson, author of Reality Shifts and High Energy Money (see Mastering the shift show4.5.11) states: “The passage through 2012 is guaranteed to be exhilarating and rewarding for those whose attitudes and state of mind are resonant with living up to their full potential and being of service.” Are you apprehensive about the changes that are happening? Excited? Wary? Confused? Our conversation will be about ‘how’ to create your own shift and all the opportunities to watch for as the coming months unfold in the great mystery of our times.

2012, A glimpse into your Personal and Professional Future.Warmly, Dr. Richard London

“Do I want death by medicine? Or life by wellness?. We all have a choice,” says Dr. Richard London. Health and wellness have changed drastically over the past quarter century. Television viewers are regularly being admonished to ‘ask your doctor about...’ whatever the latest made-up malady a pharmaceutical is alleged to ‘cure’. It is not pharmaceuticals that cure maladies in the world today. It is a known fact that conventional medicine kills more people every year than drunk drivers and wars. People today are skeptical about what the future holds for their health, and that of their family. As a physician, a visionary and a life coach, Dr. London can both tell you what the future has in store for humans, and what they can do for their greatest benefit. How you can choose Life.

Shifting the Conversation and paradigm of Abuse and Trauma

The Solace Crises Treatment Center located in Santa Fe NM offers programs to children, families and adults who have suffered abuse and/or trauma. They combine the healing power and life changing services of a specialized clinical team, advocacy center and education and prevention experts to help survivors and the community restore strength in the face of adversity. My guest will be a long time supporter and Board member of this organization.

Sai Maa - Are You Ready to Be Awakened?

Her Holiness Sai Maa Lakshmi Devi is a Spiritual Luminary and Master of Energy with a mission of global enlightenment through practical spirituality and personal transformation, eliminating the pain and suffering of humanity. Sai Maa will share her light, love and mission in this amazing hour on Mastering the Shift.

Evolutionary Enlightenment: A New Path to Spiritual Awakening

We’re on the threshold of a new kind of enlightenment, according to world-renowned spiritual teacher Andrew Cohen. Cohen will present a new definition of spiritual awakening for our contemporary world –a world characterized by exponential change and an every-expanding appreciation for the processes of evolution. We will discuss his view of this new path of spiritual awakening and more.